Each category of singles and doubles will be played best of five games (until 3 games are won) and as follows:
The Qualifying Competition will be played in groups (all play all). A group of four is preferred (according to the entries). The first and second placed will play in the Main Draw proper, the third and fourth placed will play in the Consolation Draw – only if they so wish and only if they mark this on the score sheet immediately after play in their group has finished.
If there are two or more players in a group from the same National Association, it is essential that these matches be the first to be played.
Main Draw and Consolation Draw will be played according to the knock-out system.
Ranking order in a group shall be decided as follows:
Two match points shall be awarded for a win, 1 for a loss in a played match, and 0 for a loss in an un-played match.
The ranking order shall be determined primarily by the number of match points gained. If two or more members of the group have gained the same number of match points, their relative positions shall be determined only by the results of the matches between them, by considering successively the
numbers of match points, as far as is necessary to resolve the order.
If at any step in the calculations the position of one or more members of the group have been determined while the others are still equal, the results of the matches in which those members took part shall be excluded from any further calculations needed to resolve the equalities in accordance with the above procedure.
If it is not possible to resolve equalities by means of the above procedure the relative positions shall be decided by lots made by the Referee.
Each category will have the following events:
Every entered player is allowed to participate in one singles and one doubles event. A player must participate in her/his own age category, except in doubles. If players of a pair do not belong to the same age group, then they shall be placed in the category of the younger player.
If the doubles partner (according to the draw) is not present a new partner will be given by the organizer if possible.
A doubles pair shall not be altered if both players are present and fit to play. However, injury, illness, or the absence of one player may be accepted as justification for an alteration to take place, but only before the announced “deadline”.
No alterations or new entries will be accepted after the final deadline.
Accreditation date and time
On Wednesday 5th of March from 2 pm to 7 pm at Venue Sports Hall Saline Vrsar
Playing venue
Sports hall Saline
Petalon 1F, 52450 Vrsar, Croatia
Check map here
To register you must complete the online entry form.
Final entry deadline
18th February 2025
Official registration will only be accepted through the entry form. No entries on spot will be accepted.
Please note that doubles entries/partners must be confirmed no later than 1st FEBRUARY 2025
Entry Fee
70 € Player Entry Fee in case of accommodation booked with the organizer
150 € Player Entry Fee without accommodation
free Guest/Accompanying Fee
Entry fee includes
Players may film their own matches.
Awards & Closing ceremony
On Saturday 8th of March 2025 at 6 pm
At venue sports hall Saline Vrsar
Medical examination
For all foreign participants we recommend Travel insurance policy. For all EU participants European health insurance card is recommended.
To compete, participating players are responsible for their physical and mental health. It is recommended that a routine check-up ahead of the event should be carried out by a doctor.
The Organizing Committee does not provide health insurance for participants. Any costs for medication, bandages or other medical services will not be borne by the Organizing Committee. First aid/medical duty personnel will be available at the venue during the whole duration of the event.
Maistra Hospitality Group
Vrsar Tourist Board
Municipality of Vrsar
Grand Tour TA
TTC Vrsar